Hello folks. I hope you had a swell time with your relatives and there was no coal in your stocking. I am so happy to announce that at my last visit to the chiropractor, something good happened and I am feeling like 95% better! Instead of taking advil constantly like I have in the past three weeks, I am down to taking it just a couple times a day. Perhaps it was that gadget he strapped around my chin and then pulled really hard. I felt my neck pop a couple of times, and maybe after that I was even a skoshe taller. I just hope that horrible pain does not come back, I have had enough, thank you.

We had a totally mellow and fun Christmas day. It was a little weird being around here instead of Bangalore, but I enjoyed it. We were pretty grateful for the simple way we chose to celebrate, just the three of us, for when we surprised our friends by barging over on Christmas morning with a blackberry pie, we found the mama of the house standing in the hallway in tears. Apparently, her big sister had once again sabotaged the family get together so that she could have it "her way." After some necessary comforting of the mama, Mr Ratburn, Little Rita and I then went out looking for some cheeseburgers and fries, but got no results, so we headed home and made our own.
Later on, Mr Ratburn and I got a chance to check out the ice shot glasses, my absolutely favorite gift which you see in the photo above. Ok, I admit, I am a little more than excited about the ice glasses in the video, but I just can't help it, they are so dang cool! And, you will see I am trying not to be too loud, it's about 3 am and our yurt is not soundproof! (Goodness knows what the neighbors have heard through the walls of the yurt!) Just more crazy drinking exploits....
PS Doncha just hate it when you wish someone "Happy Holidays" because you want to include whatever it is they celebrate and they come back with a slightly rude "MERRY CHRISTMAS", as if that is the ONLY celebration that matters, and darn it, they want you to know it! Or that it doesn't matter to them that we have Kwanzaa, Hannukah and Winter Solstice all at the same time as Christmas and some of those things might matter to some of us?
Merry Whatever!