Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Orange Sweater HNT

Every October I dust off the orange sweater.
Every year for 25 years.
I wore it because I knew I looked really cute in orange!
I wore it when I was lonely and needed a friend.
I wore it when I was pregnant, with jack~o~lantern face cutouts on the tummy.
It reminds me of pumpkins, Halloween and falling leaves...

Except this year it reminded me of a time 20 years ago. New York.
Same girl, same sweater.
Falling leaves.......

Same Mr Ratburn even! (He took the pictures)

Yes, but of course it was Halloween. Otherwise, I wouldn't be romping in the leaves with a kitty nose on, would I?

Same girl, same sweater, Falling leaves.....

same Mr Ratburn!

20 years, Mr Ratburn..... fancy that!



paitl1 said...

wow, i cant belive you've had the same sweater for that long. still cute. happy hnt!

lime said...

too cute. awesome story to go with the orange sweater.


The Melody Censor said...

this is my very favorite of your HNT posts Susie! It's perfect!!!

Happy HNT, Happy autumn, Happy orange sweater wearing season, and Happy almost Hallowe'en!

Leesa said...

Great post.. I love these :)

Regal said...

Playful photos - Happy HNT.

Blondie... said...

This is one of my favorite ever posts of yours too. Very playful and very sweet.

Happy HNT and may you have MANY more years of the orange sweater & Mr. ratburn.

Anonymous said...

I love you in the leaves Susie. How is the losing going? You are looking soooooo hot and that's a great story. HHNT sweetie.

Mark Leslie said...

Awesome. Love the sweater story and the tie-in to your history with Mr Ratburn! You look divine in orange. Happy HNT!

Spirit57 said...

Love the sweater ...

HHNT !!!!!!!!!!

Ag said...

Very nice


Anonymous said...

and holy still look adorable!

When does the worship beigin?


Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute to a sweater ... I love it!


Breazy said...

Very nice post with pics ! Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

wow that's great!
I love the leaves and the fall theme...

Anonymous said...

You look good.

Suze said...

Susie, I love kitten play! I'll be over to roll in those leaves with you later.

Lovely post and the images are so sweet.

Happy HNT sweetie ;)

Anonymous said...

Lovely sweater and lovely girl!

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

20 years, amazing! it does look like an awesome sweater, too (love the orange). happy hnt :).

Amber said...

That is so sweet. I love thoses pics, the leaves are so pretty. There is nothing like an orange sweater to make you look back at the past and reminisce.

Amber said...

Oh, I am leavingf or Vegas tomorrow morning, so I did my 55 early.

CyberWarlock said...

Nice nose. Happy HNT! =^..^=

Amber said...

Art's Mom is coming with us, so we can take turns with the kid. Therefore, no suitcase of goodies for us this trip. We are planning on doing a lot of family things during the day, seeing animals, the circus, riding the gondolas, stuff like that. At night, we will turn him over to Grandma and go have some fun.

CozyMama said...

lovely, just lovely.

jillie said...

OMG...I love those pictures. What an awesome keepsake.

Jericho said... the orange sweater!
and congrats to both of you on 20 years!

you're adorable, as always

erika said...

Wow congrats! Sounds like some great memories!

Logophile said...

I don't think I have any item of clothing from 25 years ago.
That is amazing. Shoot, I don't think I have much of ANYTHING from 25 years ago.
Cute lil Susie Q

Brown eyed girl said...

You are the cutest thing!
Happy HNT!

Schadeboy said...

Wait...'ve been married for 20 years?

You can't be old enough for that.

Unless you got married at like, 15 or something.

The story is great. I can't imagine owning any article of clothing for 20 years. That's 50% of my life. Almost.

Semi-Gloss Lacquer said...

two beautiful upstate troublemaker, (er,) hippies who are still bonkers for each other, an orange sweater, and a stunning daughter...

Not bad, Suz, not bad at all.

Fred said...

Happy HNT to you, too!