Saturday, November 11, 2006

Who Am I? ...and other Stuffs

If you know who I am, leave a hint for the next person, but don't tell them my name!

Lisa Pizza has a fun new post up today all about Catalina Island! Head on over and check it out. Heck, I grew up in Southern California, but I didn't know half the stuff that Lisa does about Catalina! And, if you still don't know who that is up there, the title of Lisa's blog is a dead giveaway. Go on over and tell her Susie sent you!
In other news, sometimes people send me weird pictures:
Uh, nope, it sure ain't Kansas anymore, Dot!
31 India


lime said...

she's a 'ham'

LisaPizza said...

She's a songbird on a perpetual reconnaissance mission in Maycomb, Alabama.

Anonymous said...

And there was I thinking it was David Cassidy.

S said...


Lime and Lisa gots it!

Dan said...

That is one weird ass photo.

So weird that I'm heading right over to see who it was who sent it to you! I'm sure we'll have a lot in common! ;)

Amber said...

Did someone painttheir shells?

Anonymous said...


BArefoot, perhaps you should go look at the top of my page, LMFAO!!

hee hee

Anonymous said...

oops I was signed in under the wrong name, melanaise is me lol

RennyBA said...

Since Lime and LisaPizza got it I would say: You really looked sweet as a scout too!
So I'm off to Lisa then - thanks for the tip!
Have a lovely week ahead Susie!
Btw: Your invited to my first year blog anniversary too you know:-)

Anonymous said...

Spitfire sure has special pets! Around here they are usually cooked in yummy sauce.

You look so innocent on the scout picture...

Stephanie said...

these 2 posts weren't here the last few days -- gggrrrr blogger

Stephanie said...

these 2 posts weren't here the last few days -- gggrrrr blogger

jillie said...

That's from one of my FAVORITE movies and books To Kill A Mockingbird...Scout

Logophile said...

omg, only a month away, are you psyched?
Weird little gift you have there, you have strange friends
(snigger snigger)