Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This Isn't Flying, This Is Falling, With Style!

Logos post today was really fun, all about movie quotes that you often use in everyday life, and so I thought I would steal that idea, because, yes, we do it too. Cheap move, I know....see if you know which films I used.

1. "You better ease up on the linguine"
...while patting belly.
2. "I take it black, like my men"
(I have to work really hard to use this one, since I dont drink coffee.)
3. "We don't need no stinkin' ......"
(fill in the blank)
4. "One minute Im out saving the galaxy, and the next Im sucking down darjeeling with Marie Antoinette and her little sisters."
5. "Aw, it was a Kombat Karl, they killed a Kombat Karl"

Well ok I dont really say that one alot....just wanted to see if you were paying attn.
6. "..so..dominant!
7. "Punk rampant! Scurvy Knave!"
8. "That is the trouble with India!"

9. "You'll like Amy, she's an artist!"
10. "Soylent green is people!"
11. "Marsha Marsha Marsha!"
12. "Don't be late, or no fruit cup!"
Ok just try to imagine, as I did with Logos quotes, just how one would use such quotes in everyday life. It baffles the mind....


TorAa said...

After this mornings attack by Pirates, during the CyberCruise, and later events - how fast things happens these days - I happend to comment this post first.

And I agree with the heading. But's some comment missing: Really great shots. Yes, it is. As allways

PS. Special troops were needed. No silk this time:(

lime said...

lol, there's a lotta toy story quotes in there!

Logophile said...

No fruit cup for you! heh heh
I may not have the WHOLE movie memorized, but I remember that part.
The Sierra Madre one is more fun if its actually from UHF :p
"Badgers? We don't need no stinking badgers!"

Mustafa Şenalp said...


CozyMama said...

ok love the pic from Toy Story or some pixar movie............ ;o

Bsoholic said...

hahaha! number 2 is the best. I use it often because I drink my coffee black, however being a guy and saying I take my coffee black, like my men can cause some strange looks from people.

Perdante said...

""yeah, im kind of a big deal."

cathy said...

Don't recognise all of these.
Just the coffee one and the combat carl one however my current favourite is...
The future isn't what it used to be.

cathy said...

bsoholic, I thought I was daft.

Anonymous said...



I love you!!!!!


Anonymous said...

ps, I fall with style all the time. Damn Curbs.

Anonymous said...

"What? I dont know that... AAAaaa...!"

Name THAT movie!