Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Train Station, Bangalore HNT

In the past, I have seen HNTs of wet footprints on cement, and of footprints in snow, which got me thinking about the HNT that you are not really in, but still it is you. It still tells something about you. So, I did a couple of HNTs like remember Shadow Dance HNT ?

This picture is my HNT this week. The red backpack is mine, and the grey one is Karens. You can see her Canada patch, and my Korea, Om and dancing bears patches. And also, notice the size difference of our two backpacks~ I am 9 inches shorter than Karen.

Of course, we are not in the picture, yet still, it is a self portrait. We are in Bangalore waiting for a train to Mysore. I have had a fever for 5 days. We are laughing at all the men with their cell phones, and crying for the homeless crippled man hobbling along the railroad tracks searching for a scrap to eat. I want to give that man some money and at the same time I see disapproving stares and looks of disgust. I decide they can stare all they want, but when I look again for the homeless man, he is gone.....Oh India.....

We want Platform 9 3/4 immediately!

Who knew platform 9 3/4 was in India!

Happy HNT everyone, wherever you are!


G-Man said...


Susie? Who's half naked in this picture?

G-Man said...

And you know why I'm laughing don't you?

#1 Again!!!

lime said...

oh that was wonderful susie. yes, i completely appreciate what a backpack says about someone. love it.


Gary said...

I'm not in India, but I wouldn't mind being there. :)

LushlyMe said...

I want Platform 9 3/4 too! HHNT!

Blissfully Wed said...

I love watching you travel.


WDKY said...

Can you see me? I'm the one lying on the platform, asleep.

Oh no, wrong town...


LisaPizza said...

Hmmm!If 9 1/2 is in London, and 9 3/4 is in Bangalore then where is 9 1/4, I prey tell? Love this shot of your packs, They really represent you and Karen well. My pack is orange with a Palomar Observatory and a Camp Norwesco (girl scout camp in Wisconson) 5 year patch. I wonder what it says about me? Patches, we don't need no stinking patches! Erm, I mean badges!

Mark Leslie said...

I fondly remember the shadow dance. And I love the concept of self-portraits that don't actually show the person. Wonderfully done!

I just can't wait to see the sequel to this where you join Harry and his friends on the Hogwart express.

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Platform 9 3/4 actually exists....

Love the backpack pictures...

Oh God..did Ratburn run into the freaking wall of the platform?

Anonymous said...

HHNT, Susie!!

Jericho said...

I wondered where it was....

Mona said...

Platforms in India.Susie you should have shown them the delhi will never find yourself if you lose you; there is so much rush there.Last time I went there my son was a baby & my suitcase got stolen.I still smile to think how the thief must have cussed to discover just baby clothes & diapers in it! my other suitcase which held my 500 grammes of gold & stones studded jewellrey was spared!! Poor thief or lucky me..whatever LOL

Mona said...

Platforms in India.Susie you should have shown them the delhi will never find yourself if you lose you; there is so much rush there.Last time I went there my son was a baby & my suitcase got stolen.I still smile to think how the thief must have cussed to discover just baby clothes & diapers in it! my other suitcase which held my 500 grammes of gold & stones studded jewellrey was spared!! Poor thief or lucky me..whatever LOL

~art said...

so did you run at platform 9 and 3/4?

Ag said...

Traveling don't you just love it


Kelly said...

Happy HNT!

keda said...

ooh yes, a backpack (or two) can definately say it all :)

happy hnt babe.

Bsoholic said...

Could of sworn I already posted... hmmm.

Haha 9 3/4, nice! :D

DaMasta said...

I love this idea... pictures of belongings can tell you a lot about a person, eh! :) Thanks for taking us on the ride! HHNT

Anonymous said...

HHNT Susie Q

BTExpress said...

9 3/4? WTF? LOL

Happy HNT!

tkkerouac said...

Love your posts!

AndyT13 said...

Ha! Awesome! HHNT babe!

Dan said...

Happy HNT Susie! These photos really bring back memories for me!

jillie said...

WOW...that is some back pack. Did that weigh more than you? I would be the one walking in circles with that on my back just trying to keep my balance without falling over.

Did you end up in Hogwarts?

~Tim said...

I always look best in the pictures I'm not in....


Anonymous said...

I love your India pictures.

ShyRocket said...

Hey, I was just there this week!

TorAa said...

Asking "Which platform" or "what time" etc on a train station in India -hehehe. But, they are our HelpDesks and CallCenters and Programmers and Journalists and Clothmakers and ...

Funny? hmmm...