Thursday, June 28, 2007

Who's Saree Now, HNT

There once was a lady from Cali
Who quite well knew how to wrap saree
But just for today
She'd wear it her way....

....You have to write the next line for me!

(my apologies to the lovely Mona for improper saree behaviour!)
There once was a lady from Cali
Who quite well knew how to wrap saree
But just for today
She'd wear it her way
Forgetting the ways of Old Delhi
Happy HNT Bloggy Peeps!


Osbasso said...

...while eating her fried calamari.

I like it!

G-Man said...

I'll relinquish #1 to the Oz everytime!!!!

Susie...Are you gonna start U-Tubing Connie Francis now?

But all that shit aside, I really really like your HNT!!!
Always tasteful.
Always Creative
Always Beautiful
Always fun...
You still have it sweetie, and always will!

(although you peeing in the orchard last week was a bit strange.)


24crayons said...

She'd wear it her way...

Wrapped in silken brocade
Fondled with threads of sin
She touched herself just then
So left it bare and open

24crayons said...


Cosima said...

... even if it's a little bit awry.

And very beautiful!

Happy HNT!

G-Man said...

"...but just for today,
She'd wear it her way...
Till Ratburn unwraps Susies Saree!!!!

Mark Leslie said...

"...and if you're offended she's s

(But I really like g-man's second finish)

Happy HNT!

Vixen said...

Oooo....SUPER sexy!


Vixen said...

Totally got caught up and forgot to ask, I do a 'favorites' on Friday, please may I use your pic?!

Let me know on my site or email me :)


Anonymous said...

There once was a lady from Cali
Who quite well knew how to wrap saree
But just for today
She'd wear it her way....

...while enjoying Tori

Happy HNT :)

Shibari said...

very lovely! HHNT!

G-Man said...

Thanks Mark!!

barman said...

Oh everyone else was so creative but ... I like the G-sters reply the most.

Another fun HNT from Susie. Very nice.

Charlie said...

bugger Os beat me to it! lol! HHNT

Lapis Ruber said...

So she looks like a dancer from Bali?


Polt said...

Thank God her tummy wasn't Hairy!



tkkerouac said...

Hot Hot Hot, may I pinch the second one? Happy HNT!

lime said...

...and never intend to say 'sorry!'

hehehe, very cute madam!


Queenie said...

"to make G-mans day"!!!
Sorry poor attempt, but a great HNT

Anonymous said...

mmmm...can you say sexy?! HHNT!

S said...

OMG These lines are terrible!
I love you all, but i'm gonn have to go with this:

There once was a lady from Cali
Who quite well knew how to wrap saree
But just for today
She'd wear it her way
Forgetting the ways of Old Delhi

Keyser Soze said...

I know a secret!!!!!! OK, not so secret... Nice pics MG. MUAH!

Michelle said...

RYC: I don't do HNT anymore...maybe again someday. But I still check out other HNT posts each week!!

I was so proud of myself for knowing right This is the first time ever! WHoo hoooo!!

These really are great picture...a little different for you but very sexy!


BTExpress said...

I had a different ending in mind, but just couldn't figure out how to make it rhyme. Very sexy. Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

I got nothin' the creative juices have left the building..

although, damn I wish my tum tum looked like that..smokin'

I didn't know you were from Eritria? (is that spelled right)

That is where one of my favorite people to run across is from. He won't go back right now.

He took great pleasure in being white and telling everyone he was african american.

You are so damn interesting.

Where is ratburn?

*sips tea*

Mona said...


This is so wonderful!

Well saree wrapping is not important as saree revealing is!You just have to let down the loose end & hey presto your midriff is all bare!

What a wonderful Midriff in that picture!!!

This is the BEST HNT of the week!!

twg said...

Very sexy pictures. I have no limerick skills, unfortunately, but it looks like that's okay:) Happy HNT!

Jericho said...

...and I'll pretend she did it far me.


hhnt you's guys!

Anonymous said...

in the title, dork :P

*spikes the tea*

I believe you are in the title of the song.

Bunny said...

While heading out to the baree? I suck, I know. Great pix!! HHNT!

jillie said...

Love the lighting effects....on need to be saree....great HNT shot ;o)

tkkerouac said...

you are up popular girl, come take a look!

Jason said...

liking ur blog, HHNT

Anonymous said...

Very nice and I will stick to this because I can't rime in Englsih... ;-)

~Tim said...

The best part of wraps is unwrapping them.


G-Man said...

Who's Connie Francis?
She sang...
"Who's Sorry Now"!!

...Your post?

Anyway, I'm posted on the 55!!!!!!

Later Susie..xoxoxoxox

Vixen said...

I put you up! :)

Thanks again Sweetie!

Anonymous said...

and for this she's not sorry.

Very nice sexy pics of susie q.:)

SIMPLY ME said...

Can't come up with anything better than what's written. But your middle is grrrreat! Happy belated HNT

Anonymous said...

nice pics as usual Pix...!!! (^_^) post alert...
uh huh uh huh...see u soon babe...!!! xxx

Dan said...

Lovely HNT Susie. You have a sexy midriff.