Friday, April 14, 2006

55Friday Flash Fiction

They had both gone to Waller Street Elementary for 5 years, but Jeff had never offered her a ride home before. She said ok because her books were heavy.

Jeff rode faster, aiming toward a bump in the sidewalk.

He sped away, that icky feeling that began when she got on his bike, now gone.


If you like, please leave me a flash fiction story too, or post it on your blog! Happy Flash Friday every one!


Logophile said...

Logo reporting for duty, ma'am, as ordered.
Here is my flash 55
A shaft of moonlight pierced the clouds. Its unexpected brightness roused me as I lay surrounded by warmth in lingering scents of candles and passion. Pressed against me, our limbs entangled lay the man who'd read my mind and pleasured my body. A lifetime together could not be too long. Now... what was his name?

Logophile said...

OK, and although this was written most for Mr. Ratburn I will share it with the rest of the class, and just so you all know. He gave me an A+ for it.
The midday sun beat down on his bent head but his concentration never wavered. Drops of sweat beaded and rolled down his forehead, stinging his eyes. He swiped them away and continued. The sun glinted off the carefully angled magnifying glass clenched tightly in his fist. Those stupid ants didn't stand a chance against him.

mr ratburn said...

The first time I saw her at a blood sunset palm trees melting in the late day smog she moved full of hot gypsy sweat as bums and bagladies rasta men and me sit AND MOVE undulating to her vibrations transfixed and wanting to say something about to feeling a dull thud as sandy hits me

lime said...

LMAO at all of you guys, susie, logo and ratburn. y'all are too much. good ones! mine's up too.

truckdriver_sefl said...

Cool story.......have a wonderful weekend!

Doug The Una said...

Freedom and fear, the open road before the bicycle and the fence beside it. Suzy didn't know whether to jump on the bike or climb the pikes. To be a protected prisoner or fleeing thief. Then she noticed the horn on the handlebars. To attract attention, that was better than both. She happily honked.
One word into the kitty.

Grimstarr said...
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Grimstarr said...

Sorry, needed to change one word.

The bell tinkled happily as the door opened. Other eyes sleepily watched him approach the counter. The smells assailed his senses, a cacophony, nearly overwhelming to his still waking mind. "Today I'll be bold," he told himself. "A dozen jelly," he said smiling while pulling the gun. "And put the money in the bag, bitch."

The Village Idiot said...
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S said...

Woo hoo, go everyone, go!

The Village Idiot said...

The colors ratcheted by buzzing like a swarm of angry bees. Up close, a blur of color and chaos. From afar a thing of beauty, precision, and order following its own set of unwritten rules as it snaked through the countryside. Suddenly, one spot of color breaks away, crossing the finish, arms raised in victory.

Melissa said...

Mine's on my blog!!


Gary said...

....but when she came down, she landed right back on the bicycle. "Damn girl", he said, "you're hard to get rid of".