Friday, November 10, 2006

Little Rita Does 55Flash Fiction Friday!

My mom is making me wait for her to do this stupid 55 bla bla bla.
I want to go on Petz 5, but NOOOOOO, she won't let me!
..because of her stupid 55 bla bla bla
then she has to upload dumb songs and I dont want her to!
I AM NOT AMUSED! Pfffttttttt!!!!!!!!!!

Think it's time for a second computer in this house?

Ok, about this Vets thing......thank you to all that have served and made it out alive...and those of you that didn't, may you rest in peace.
But this I really have to say, if you are a young American man, please do not sacrifice your life so that people can have fuel for their SUV's. Please don't be fooled into giving up your life for the fat white pasty old men that run this country.
My father was a Lifer in the Navy, my brother, 10 years. I'm not speaking from complete ignorance here. I thank my lucky stars that my brother served during Peacetime, and my father, well, he was just good at dodging explosives!
In fact, while my father made it pretty safely through his service, there was the time that he..LMAO..fell down the stairs on his ship and broke his leg!
Anyway, I say, next war, every healthy American male over 50 gets their fat asses out there and take some schrapnel! Whaddya say? Or even better, for every young man that enlists, let him bring his parents with him so they can watch him get blown up.....nice huh? Well, maybe if they had to see it.....
I'm sorry, I thank the goddesses everyday that I have no sons. I would be the one hiding them out in the woods in Canada when they became old enough to sacrifice for oil.
That's how I see with it. If you are a Vet, I am more than grateful for what you have done , but even more grateful that you made it out alive!
Bless you all.
I apologize if I have offended...but this is my blog, and that is how I feel. That I chose this day to say this, well, some of you might think disrespectful. I think this is the perfect day to remind you that you'd rather watch your sons grow old than put flowers on their grave.......


CyberWarlock said...

B has her own computer (well technically 2, cuz I got her a laptop to take to her mom's as well). I have uh.. 4? *g* I think there would be blood if we had to share a single computer. And in a house where sharp weapons are collected, it would get messy.

Anonymous said...

well said suse...!!! don't forget all the other countries involved in this farce folks...!!! i will be remembering the fallen tomorrow

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Part 1. As always, your daughter is just so cute!

Part 2...War is never good. It's one of those things that you just dont know what to do about.

Have a good weekend.


lime said...

a second computer is a very helpful thing....

Amber said...

Amen, sista! I totally agree. The military sux. (I hope they don't arrest me for saying that) My bro's C and D both want to join the ARMY, I had to beg them not to.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we will be able to fuel our cars with Darjeeling.

You should really look into that susie!!!! You would be mad famous and then we could take care of my douche bag ex.

Sorry, I am still reeling from my Fuck you post...hey this post kinda looks like a fuck you...

I bet Mr. Ratburn would never forget a cake topper.


Perdante said...

man aunt susie, youre a good writer.

Unknown said...

The problem is that the young men in the services, for the most part, have no say in where they go and what they do. Orders have to be followed oterwise the whole system falls down.
BTW are you eating that hamster thing alive!! At least boil it and add a bit of mayo!

Anonymous said...

I am here for a teaparty!!!

~art said...

I may not always agree(or ever) with the wars our country wage but I DO appreciate our vets. peace~~~~~art