Taj Mahal, Agra
I stole this pic offa the internet...my camera batteries died just about as I entered the Taj Mahal at sunset!
(I want to make one of these, so if anyone knows how, please let me know!)
Khadi Bandar, Bangalore
Checking out the stacks and stacks of textiles that Ramesh has to offer.
Hanging out in Goa reading House Of Sand And Fog
(Notice GREEN Tshirt, not at all red!)
Look at you reading!!
I love that pic :D
Oh, and the Taj is nice too.
How did you Like House?
that 1st pic is beautiful and the last one is too cute. that is my favorite thing to do. I posted pics today too, there is this cool site called One True Media, love it!!!! I put a bunch of pics in it and it makes a slideshow.
i'd say that shirt is LIME! lol
*wanders by to say hi*
Another great memory post from India. Good to see you so relaxed in such a busy atmoshere around.
The WTF link just took me back to the top of your current post. So WTF was that little trip all about? Or did I miss something? How was 'The House of Sand & Fog'? It's on my reading list & I'd like to know if I should move it up the list towards the top. Did you see the movie? It's on our NetFlix list.
Oh hi Mistress,
Lime was just talking about you somewhere in cyberspace. You always have the most colorful pictures. Keep snappin.
Beautiful pics. :-)
Wellllll....there was still alot of red tee shirt wearing going on! Ha - but you are right lots of color - those orange capris in the ruins in Hampi - you stood out - but you did seem happiest in your red t-shirts beta... :)
Those photos bring back memories - ready to start planning next year - guess we have to meet in Frankfurt (no no please anything but that....really I will eat my greens and floss hourly....not lufthtansa...though I have to have admit have heard lotsa good lufthansa stories from people...unfortunately Frankfurt and Lufthtansa..how do you spell that?....aare not good stories for us -next time thru London!) OK will email you Ronaldji now!
glad to see that you got the google thing figured out! :)
I wanna go fabric shopping with you miss susie qqqqqqqq!!!!
that sunset is gorgeous!!!
i too am interested in how to make a charpoy. if you find anything, would you please let me know? Rupert.
Hi, did you end up making a charpoy? I've just been in Agra for 2 weeks studying the architecture, and I've brought back to London, with me, the wooden feet and rope to make a charpoy. just wondering if you had any luck finding any instructions on how to make one?! any info would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
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