Sunday, August 27, 2006

My Heart is Thrown to the Pebbles and the Boatmen....

L'amour Looks Something Like You

You came out of the night,
Wearing a mask in white colour
My eyes were shining
On the wine, and your aura.
All in order, we move into the boudoir,
But too soon the morning has resumed.

I’m hanging on the old goose moon.
You look like an angel,
Sleeping it off at a station.
Were you only passing through?

I’m dying for you just to touch me,
And feel all the energy rushing right up-a-me.
L’amour looks something like you.

The thought of you sends me shivery.
I’m dressed in lace, sailing down a black reverie
My heart is thrown
To the pebbles and the boatmen.
All the time I find
I’m living in that evening,
With that feeling of sticky love inside.

I’m hanging on the old goose moon.
You look like an angel,
Sleeping it off at a station.
Were you only passing through?

I’m dying for you just to touch me,
And feel all the energy rushing right up-a-me.
L’amour looks something like you.

Oh god, slay me.......

Listen people, from here on out the rules are just thrown out the window. It's Sunday Saturday night whenever I feel like it, and I wanna post about Kate so I am gonna, ok? I totally have this song stuck in my head, and that's ok, because it's an awesome song!
No more schedules EXCEPT for HNT on TH and 55Flash Fiction Friday of course, my two faves!
And, the lovely Ms. Logo and I are cooking up some other little games....stay tuned! Have a lovely week!


lime said...

oh you wild rebel you......;)
when do i get in the loop?

Logophile said...

OK, now I am going have to go listen to some Kate.
She is a rebel, isn't she?

Fred said...

You and Logo cooking again? Uh, oh...

RennyBA said...

You can post about Kate as much as you like for me - I just love her songs and her voice!
Can hardly wait for what you are cooking up - I'm a devoted fan you know!
Have a great week ahead Susie:-)

~art said...

hope you had a great weekeend~

Queenmatrai said...

hey just got back from my trip n caught up with your blog...

There's alot going on here...

Grimstarr said...

Ok, class is out and so I should be ble to get back around more often. I'm sorry I've been such a bad buddy lately. Scorching HNT, love the Flash Friday and this song is killer. Miss anything? No? No. Good! I'm talking to God on the Dark Side today. Talk to YOU later babe.

Gary said...

I'm alreadt having a lovely week. I hope you are too.

Fig said...

If you're cooking... is it to early for flapjacks?

Anonymous said...

So no more Tropical Top Five with the Village Idiot? Hope your new plans involve music.

WDKY said...

How beautiful is that face???

Semi-Gloss Lacquer said...


'Okay, Okay, okay...

(thems are some apples in the other post, ma'am...)


Two words:
-Ready... (since the weather is probably a bit nicer and more FALL LIKE where you are...

'October Project.'
-get the orig. album, (self titled, kid in pancho with jack-lantern bag on head. )
-and 'Falling Farther In.' (collage of sorts.)
(both early to mid Nineties.)
-lead is Mary Fahl... (she also has her own album, 'Other Side of Time.' (That was early to mid 2000's)

gorgeous deep voice... totally the opposite of your other bevy... but will fit right in... very very good stuff.

