Friday, September 08, 2006

55Flash Fiction Friday™

The first light of dawn crept over the laboratory, waking the exhausted scientist from an uncomfortable slumber.
Stretching stiffly she thought aloud, "I dreamed of a fabric so durable, so unique and of a color unmatchable in nature."
Catching her reflection in the mirror, she glared at her labcoat, horrified.
"Jeepers, what have I done?"

If you wanna play along, let me know, and I'll come check out your 55!

*So this crazy pink jacket is part of Swap~o~rama™, my new blog game. This lovely piece of work came from Lime™.....and was featured in Mr Ratburns HNT™ yesterday. Said garment will make an appearance somewhere in the Seattle™ area very soon.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Logophile said...

ooooooo, susie, you looks sooo hot, and sooo puzzled, so, what IS that thing made of?

Queenmatrai said...

HOT PINK - nice very nice

James Goodman said...

Very nice indeed. Oh, my 55 is up..

lime said...

wooohooo!!! the look of revulsion on your face matches the look i had the first time MR. Lime wore it. the color is lovely on you but on my red headed husband...not so much.


Godzilla said...

Hi - inspired by Lily and Snavy I have had a go at the Flash Fiction.

I may have a way to go, to emulate you though.

CozyMama said...

i wondered what Limey sent you!!! too funny.

Amber said...

I love it! That is too funny. Wow, that beautiful jacket really gets around.

Stephanie said...

Aaawwww Susie, you don't like pink?

Um... why did Mr.Lime have this jacket in the first place?? Did he lose a bet?

jillie said...

Now THAT is pink!!! You don't look too happy in it...

Anonymous said...

you look lovely and I enjoyed reading your da count at lime's site.

Amber said...

I have been out all morning, and I forgot to do my 55 last night. Darn, I missed out on the fun.

Breazy said...

Pink is my favorite color ! Looks good on ya ! You have a good weekend too!

Minka said...

wow...I have read somethign about this thing over at Logo´s. You seriously are gonna put a pink coat with taht Spikey orange hat?

Gary said...

As her nose was running and her eyes were welling, she lamented to herself "I think I've just invented the first synthetic fabric that causes hay fever".