Monday, October 10, 2005

Google Images Game

I stole this from Osbasso, who stole it from Ago-go, who stole it from the lovely Kalani, who stole.....
Directions:Go to Google and click on the images link. Type in the following and post the first (or your favorite) picture in the search engine finds.
- The name of the town where you grew up
- The name of the town where you live now
- Your name
- Your Grandmother’s name (pick one)
- Your favorite food
- Your favorite drink
- Your favorite song
- Your favorite smell

Here's what I got! :P

I was born in Eritrea........two typical scenes from there!

The town where I live grows lots of apples. This is my backyard, an apple orchard.

My name is Susie!!! EEEEEKKKK!!!!!!!! Hey, I'm not a shark!

My grandmothers name was Florence! Hey grams, that doesn't look like you!

My favorite food is carrots!

My favorite drink is definitely Dr Pepper, although I now only have it once a week!

My favorite song...well, there are many, but I'd have to say that if Tori Amos wrote it, I'm going to love it!

My favorite smell is coconut oil! Takes me back to the days of lying in the sun all summer long at the beach, trying to get as dark as possible


Stephanie said...

I loved this one! Very fun! Tori Amos - wow - big surprise!!

Dr.Philomena said...

Coconut Oil...My mom used to put that in my hair every week...Its healthy so I guess it works!

Logophile said...

coconut oil for tanning...
visions of skin cancer dance in my head.

lime said...

fun stuff. what the heck was the shark all about??

The Village Idiot said...

She's A MAN EATER....I KNEW IT!!!!!

Thomcat said...

lovely eye candy ... and, susie the shark ? haven't heard that one ...

S said...

When I googled "Susie" I got all varieties of pictures of women, none of which were me, and one picture of a shark, so I chose it!
I'm really not a man eater though!
(Bats eyelashes)