Don't worry Tori, you will always be my best girl! But I have to tell you, after much resistance, I have finally erm, accepted Kate Bush into my musical life! Tori purists will scoff, Kate fans will taunt, "I told you so."
The one thing I really hate, and I sure am not going to do it, is when Tori and Kate are compared. They are both chick singers..so what?
Matters not, here is this little gem, The Kick Inside, Kate Bush's first release, which came out the year I graduated high school! (Get the LP, do the math...LP? Eek, forget the math....)

Speaking of LP's, ah, remember when you tore the shrink wrap off your new $5.00 album from the Wherehouse at the mall? You couldn't wait to get home and smell the ink, check out all the artwork, and perhaps, extra bonus lyrics sheets and whatnots!
I used to work at the mall when I was in high school (it's true!), and I sent half my salary on record albums. I still have a couple hundred of them too! And then there was the mighty musical influence of my high school boyfriend......(yeah yeah we know, Sideways Again, now married to the lovely Miss Lisa Pizza......) I just had to have alot of the stuff he had!
Ok then, I even had some LPs up on my wall! Wanna guess which ones? Nah, you'll never get it! One was Yes Fragile, The other one was from a band called Charlie, because I liked the hairstyle of the woman on the LP cover artwork! (Oh god, please! )
Ok but back to Kate...
Ya know, I know nothing about this woman....I just know, I am into her now, and this album, The Kick Inside is absolutely, in my opinion, timeless! You oughta check it out! I hope you like it as much as I do!
Heres what Wiki has to say about Kate Bush:
Kate Bush (born Catherine Bush on 30 July 1958 in Bexleyheath, Kent, now part of Greater London) is an English singer-songwriter with an expressive four-octave voice.* She is known for her eccentric, idiosyncratic literary lyrics, and eclectic and meticulous musical and production style. She debuted in 1978 with the surprise hit "Wuthering Heights", which was number one in the British music charts for four weeks. While this was the height of her UK singles chart success, she has retained considerable popularity.
*I don't know much about music, but a four octave voice sounds pretty impressive to me!

Moving stranger, does it really matter?
As long as you're not afraid to feel
Touch me, hold me, how my open arms ache
Try to fall for me
How I'm moved, how you move me
With your beauty's potency
You give me life, please don't let me go
You crush the lily in my soul
Moving liquid, yes you are just as water
You flow around all that comes in your way
Don't think it over, it always takes you over
And sets your spirit dancing
How I'm moved, how you move me
With your beauty's potency
You give me life, please don't let me go
You crush the lily in my soul
Ok, but again, if you could just hear this line, when she sings:
How I'm moved
How you moooooooooooooo ooooove me eee ee
With your beauty's po tennnn ceeee eeee eeee eee eeee.....
Oh man, I know that looks silly, but this song is just soooooooooo gooooood!
Happy Tori Tuesday everybody!
You did not think I was gonna say Happy Kate Bush Tuesday did you?
So what "albums did you have on your wall" in High School?
happy torikate tuesday!!!! i'm so proud that you've branched out.
I must be dreaming or something because I thought Kate Bush was absolute poison to you. "Nails on a chalkboard" were your exact words my dear. Glad you've changed your tune because IMHO Kate is Great! Haven't heard The Kick Inside, but I'll check it out. Hounds of Love is still my favorite.
Vinyl rules! -SuperSonicSpinner
Nope, I had a posters of
an SR71 Blackbird,
a lamborghini countach,
a gingerbread man
("The perfect man. He's cute, he's rich, he's sweet, and if he misbaves you can bite his head off.")
and several of various pop art things or funny stuff. One that comes to mind, was on my door,
"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."
Now, what was I listening to on CASSETTE TAPES?
That is a whole other comment.
Kate Bush was definitely cute. In a slightly deranged way.
You'll be featuring Black Sabbath before too long.
Oh yes, album covers on the wall. The gatefold type worked best, and I remember framing my window: 6 gatefolds, one on top of the other, along each side and a connecting row of about 5 or 6 across the top. Pin holes be damned!
David Bowie-Diamond Dogs
Led Zeppelin-Houses of the Holy (inside cover,dead center,top row)
Camel-The Snow Goose
Be-Bop Deluxe-Sunburst Finish
Nektar-Remember the Future
. . . and many more.
Wow, prog rock geek, or what?
So funny to think that once my room, those four walls, was my pallet--my sanctuary. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . . Nuff said.
Happy Tori Tuesday from the rainy Rhode Island Shore!!
Is Susie surprised that SSS and she BOTH had Yes Fragile on our walls?
Ok Steve, I guess I've grown accustomed to Kate's nails on chalkboard voice because I have to hear her sing:
It's me, Cathy, I've come home now
So Cold
Let me in a your windowwwwwww
and of course:
How Im moved, How you mooo ooo ooove meee eee eeee
With your beautys
Just to close this one out, Susie...
I also had Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (did you listen to that thunderstorm opening sequence at night with all the lights off?). And my first single was... errr... Rocket Man. Yes, Elton!
My first album would have been Minstrel In The Gallery - Jethro Tull. But I can definitely live with that one!
Happy Torikate Tuesday Susie!
I do remember Kate from my rebellious youth too, but from the UK I liked Jethro Tull even more. They where my first live concert experience in Oslo '72 and I still remember Ian Andersson with his flute - Aqualong still rocks.
Oh Susie you are so gonna vomit when I tell you who I had hanging on my wall. & umm, that would be posters, not LP's in my case. Hehe
When I was in grade 7..
I had
oh god, I can barely say it..
New Kids On The Block
Then my tastes grew and a mere 2 yrs later I was Hip & listening to the Hip, Bob Dylan,RHCP, The Stones, Nirvana.. etc.
The 90's were fairly easy on me until I started raving and enjoying things like Japanese techno in grade 12. lmao..
at least I survived that stage and am now a somewhat normal, completely cultered (snicker) mom.
Was at borders today - saw a Tori album and thought of u :)
Great post, love the stuff about albums.
Kate Bush kicks ass, I like to refer to her as a female Peter Gabriel...what a creative mind and beautiful voice she has.
...sorry, just wandering by and saw... okay, I'm a music freak and saw Tori / Kate references...
She was discovered at a severely early age by Pete Townshend.
She did (recently,) just release a new album, (after a long hiatus,) that is quite odd, but extremely charming, and totally her... (She has been considered many things, the least of which was a witch... (she makes fun of this on her latest album...)
She is beautiful, but has very large ears... (alas, the British, the curse of Prince Charles.)
If --this is your sort of bag, Might I recommend the band Elbow 'the leaders of the Free World.'
--imagine someone like Peter Gabriel in front of RadioHead/Coldplay --with killer African and Mid-Eastern beats... You will absolutely love them, (I promise...)
(also don't rule out Annie Quick, Neko Case, and Over the Rhine...)
be well...
oh, hi, sorry, complete stranger here again...
....dear god, sorry, didn't mean to be rude...
-Cocteau Twins, 'Heaven or Las Vegas,'
--you will be floored, (trust me on this,)
They don't record anymore, she sings in a completely made up language, (some english, etc,) but has done some of the most gorgeous, lush, shimmering etheral music ever recorded... (I promise you you will be captivated...)
Imagine gorgeous female vocals on top of layers and layers of 'Cure,' guitar sounds...
-okay, back to regularly scheduled programming...'
'...unless we are speaking of the large eyed northern european horned beetle, which as you know, can be found in moderate climates...'
'..yes, Nigel, tremendous specimine..'
let me say one thing..I wond a smirnoff shirt for singing "god" by her and round tow evenescence at a kareoke concert. I have a picture of she and I. I am about 5 1" (okay anyway, she is little like me, and so freaking hot)
She plays her piano the way hendrix played his guitar...like she is making love to it.
nice to find a fellow fan!!!!
PS- she kissed me on the cheeck too!
Oh and, I got shit thrown at me for singing her song in the bible belt...but the dj said "I would hate to follow that" and I won..nanannanananananana
i first heard kate on saturday night live about 1977, she sang 'roll in the ball' and it was the most bizarre thing ever...i love the kick inside and her other albums were all very different and when i did find tori, that was the one thing that stuck out for me ...the sense of story for each album. anyway i am so glad you are enjoying her. love the red post !!!!!
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