Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Kingfisher HNT
Kingfisher did Not pay me to say this stuff!

Im not much of a beer drinker. In fact, most of the time, it just makes me wanna go to sleep.
But when in India, it's pretty hot and humid most of the time, there's nothing like an ice cold Kingfisher at the end of a long sweaty day of wandering the market stalls, haggling and seeing the sights. They sell it in really big bottles there too!

Hee hee!

See, I told ya!

Hah! Thanks to B and Schadeboy for all the help this week with photoshop. Sheesh what a lot to learn!!!!
I know I didnt defringe babies, but I'm just not that patient yet!

Mr Ratburn up to this week?


Anonymous said...

You are on your way to becoming a Photoshop pro. I have never had this type of beer but with your ringing endorsement I might have to give it a shot.

Bsoholic said...

Great one! Keep on chopping!


lime said...

hahahaha, i think you could just fit inside that bottle and pickle yourself nicely.


Gary said...

I always say that if you are going to drink beer, go for the big bottles. :)

AndyT13 said...

Classic! Great job! Hey you got a public thanking (that's thanking not spanking) from me today. HHNT!

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO Girl! Don't worry about me and beer though. It's all good. Damn Suzie, you are looking GOOD. I mean you ALWAYS looked good but you are looking REAL GOOD! I;m proud of you hun. Gimme a holla sometime, ok? HHNT

Melissa said...

You know whats really funny about this??

I just had this convo with a friend the other day.

Seriously. Well, not about that beer and india in particular, but about beer needing to be in big bottles.

You read my mind I know it!!! Now I need to go and make my aluminum foil cap to prevent it from happening again. *snicker*

Melissa said...

oh & btw, you're too cute for words!! Love the pic!

Anonymous said...

my goodness that is quite a beer!

Anonymous said...

I could use one or more of those ..

Wenchy said...

Love how you did that!

Mark Leslie said...

Okay, I'm trying to find the quickest way to drive down to your place so I can help you with that nice big beer. Good photoshopping, BTW. Happy HNT!

Blondie... said...

Hmmm You're getting good at this! Almost made me think India sells things bigger than Texas... ;-)

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

heh heh, I hate beer but you make it look tasty honey!


paitl1 said...

WOW, thats a big beer! every man's fantasy, beer and women. Happy HNT!

BTExpress said...

You look especially sexy in this picture. It could be the big bottle of beer, but who cares if it is, you still look sexy. Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Oh, how I like beer. ;)


Anonymous said...

Cheers to your photoshop skills, Susie!

Happy HNT!

Suze said...

Great shot! I'll be over to share that with you later.

Happy HNT Sweetie ;)

Michelle said...

Now THAT'S a


~art said...

could you pass that beer please? Or maybe just a straw?

Stephanie said...

lol - lovely work.

CyberWarlock said...

Nice job on the photoshopping. I personally don't like beer, but it works. :) Happy HNT

RennyBA said...

Wow Susie - Whatever you get your hands on becomes art!
Btw: I finally find a way to challenge you back. Feel free to respond if you like:-)

Brown eyed girl said...

Wow, that is a big bottle!!!!
Happy HNT!

~Tim said...

Are we a little thirsty?


Fred said...

Suddenly, I'm thirsty.

Amber said...

They have Amercan beer in India?

Breazy said...

LOL! You did good ! Happy HNT!

Godzilla said...

Quality beer choice - it's excellent

as are your photoshopping skills!

Jericho said...

what a big bottle you have...
