Thursday, March 20, 2008

We were not meant to be perfect.


lime said...

and yet you still are perfect just the way you are. :)

barman said...

You look mavalous Susie. What is not perfect about that. Besides, I like what is inside so much more than what is outside anyway. Well that and the smile. :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely... just lovely. Cheers & Happy HNT!

p.s. me in fishnets???

rob said...

I saw this post on bloglines, then when I tried to comment it seemed to have been withdrawn. Glad it's back. You look very happy and confident.


rob said...

PS and that's always appealing.

Felicity said...

i love to see you feeling bold! You look GORGEOUS!!!

G-Man said...

You know what I think of you, beautiful inside and out!!! HHNT..xoxox

James Goodman said...

That's a fantastic pic, S. Happy Slice of Lime day. :D

Polt said...

And yet, there you are, as damn near perfect as you can get! :)

Nice, yet tasteful. Very well done!


javajazz said...

1000 % awesome
for you saying that...
thank you for keeping it real.
you rock, Susie...!

Charlie said...

you look so cute...great smile!

WDKY said...

You look perfect to me, Susie x

BTExpress said...

None of us are and we all would be better off if we just accepted that. May I also say that you look great.

Happy HNT!

The floor is tan and brown. It probably was installed in the 50s. The house was built in 1953. It's in great shape, so I will probably just leave it and clean it up.

Breazy said...

you are beautiful just the way you are!

Happy Thursday Portrait!

Anonymous said...

Just splendid!!! HHNT Susie!

Keyser Soze said...

Oh, drat it, Lime beat me to it. You da ginchiest Gidget at the surf shack!

Anonymous said...

I think that's a lovely picture. It really made me smile!

~Tim said...

Yeah, what Lime said!

Anonymous said...

I know and the beauty comes from the inside - looking into your eyes is a great proof of that Sue ;-)

G-Man said...

My 55 is up..xoxoxoxox
Send em to me..G

Kittie Kate said...

You are fine just the way you are!
Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

and yet you are.


SignGurl said...

I think you are most gorgeous!! I love the real you!

Blissfully Wed said...

Oh, how beautiful and lovely you look. I'm so lucky to have such a cool and interesting friend. (And a hot one at that!)

rob said...

PPS - I wasn't complaining, just explaining.

Have a good easter

TorAa said...

Perfect is boring.
You are not boring;)))

Mark Leslie said...

What do you mean, not perfect? Absolutely gorgeous, Susie! :)