Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday Portrait
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008

Joan as Police Woman Cues the Beauty
Oh the smoky soul…That was my initial musing as Brooklyn outfit, Joan As Police Woman kicked off a mesmerizing performance on a wet, wet night within Delancey’s favorite setting for sounds, Bowery Ballroom.There was only warmth in the room though, as Joan Wasser – clad in a black rippled jumpsuit, golden space boots and sporting a fro the size of a small planet – led her band through the many moods that her songs so richly capture. Sampling the pieces from her breakout album, Real Life and June’s release, To Survive, Joan and co. showcased a spectrum of her classic soul experimentations, incorporating swollen baselines, deep grooves and often enough a sadness illuminating every note.Behind her sequin-skirted keyboard, Wasser performed a particularly captivating version of ‘To Be Lonely’, with the chords and her ethereal voice combining for a tender, heartfelt offering – summoning it seemed the melancholy of a rainy night. ‘Start of My Heart’ provided similar emotional depth, with Wasser’s lyrics exploring gratitude, grace and hard-won new beginnings. She didn’t get too caught up in the introspection of it all though, joking all night with audience members about her love of Whitney Houston and New York. She also seemed touched when one spirited audience member shouted: “ ‘To Be Loved’ is my wedding song. My gay wedding song!” Joan was honored. The building got happier. And when Wasser picked up her various guitars throughout the set, soul-diva transformed into a sort of Lady-Hendrix, impossible to look away from. Particularly memorable was when she delivered an alternately scowling and whispered version of the Hendrix opus ‘Fire’. She joked that other audiences in the country had loved her “new song”, quick to explain the tune’s real origin for any resident dimbits. In what was the last show of the group’s US tour, there was a lot of love in the room yet it erupted when ever cheeky, ever blasé songwriting genius Rufus Wainwright joined Joan for a passionate, celebratory rendition of ‘To America’. Quite a moment. Two mystical voices combined for an ode to hope: Rufus emphasizing his Obama button and Joan reaching greater heights with every word.**** The girl next to me was in tears by the end. Divine times people, divine times…
****Ok kill me now for living on the west coast. It's just no fair people, I tell you! Joan Wasser and Rufus both live in New York. Whats a California gal to do?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Thursday Portrait

Where I find out suddenly that Rameshji is married!
My little friend Varsha reading Green Eggs and Ham while I chew my cud apparently!

Have a lovely day!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Surrender Dorothy!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thursday Portrait

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Golden Delicious
all day you kept your ladder close to mine...
You really oughta try it sometime! Incredibly wobbly!
Do you like my Jaipuri salwar, Monaji?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thursday Portrait
In case you are all wondering, I am not going to India until February this time, so I still have 5 months to wait. I can barely stand it! And now that Gary has tasted India, he is particularly envious this year. (All is going well with my plan to have my family's brains infiltrated with India so that by the time Little Rita graduates from high school, she will be ready for some college in Delhi!)
In other news, I am happy to report that my online store is doing fabulously, my market store is also doing well, and I am just so stoked about that! I once heard someone say that success is one part talent, one part luck, and one part hard work. Honestly, I had to concentrate on the hard work part for a couple years, and it has paid off.
I guess with every good thing there is a price to be paid. For me it has been my online time. When I am online now, I need to be working my online store. I apologize for being lame about commenting.....but you know what? I noticed that a lot of people now have that thing where they can see what you've posted from their own blog, so they don't actually have to come over at all. That's sorta like cheatin' if you ask me. It doesn't do a very good job of showing the visuals. I am all about the visuals.
Yes, it is 9/11....have your moment.
Have a lovely day!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Neener, Neener!
Friday, September 05, 2008
JAPW Alert!
Of course if you wanna know more about Joan.
Have a lovely weekend!
Pssstt! Do you think Rufus will come to these shows? :P Heeeee heee, one can hope!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Thursday Portrait
Back view, they practically are up to my neck here! Any higher and I wouldn't need a bra.
Set me free! Set me free!
7 inches, wow!
Thats some zipper! (I can talk about it now, I am not wearing them anymore.) Yeah, I cut off the legs. I needed some patches for my muffin tops! Does anyone out there want a pair of size 10 mom shorts?
Have a Lovely day!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I'm all over that flinging animals thing:
Have fun! I know you wanna try em.