Thursday, May 04, 2006

55 Flash Fiction Friday

Stretched out on a park bench in town square, one hand draped across her eyes, the other clutching a handful of quarters to keep them from falling out of her pocket. Her mind whirling, at last, she dreams of sidewalks, air conditioners and huge lawnmowers taking down fields of tall grass that make her sneeze.

Ok let's have your 55, either in my comments or if on your own blog, be sure to let me know you've played, so I can go see it! Miss Logo has not one but 6 doozy 55's today, so head over there and checkout that lunatic too! Have fun!


Stephanie said...

That was great Susie! I was thinking it was concerning allergies but the park bench confuzzled me! LOL!!!

lime said...

i feel for you, hon. great pic to go with it though

The Village Idiot said...

having allergies myself I can feel for you susie..

I put mine up on my site.

Logophile said...

I know I have been writing one over here but I am 55 ed out this time.
I shall admire yours,
thank you for the link,
and retire to massage my brain
Good job, Suse! and through an allergy medication haze too, you should get some sort of award, you are awesome!

Queenmatrai said...

Hey..thanks for droppin by...
I love India but love coming to the states for a change from the madness in this country lol

Loved your story for the day :)


Stephanie said...

I kinda played. I'm not good with following the rules...

BTExpress said...

I saw this on both Lime's blog and yours, so decide to play and post my little story on both.


It was finally time for the family's annual vacation, but since daddy lost the vacation fund playing the horses, they could only afford three tickets. So instead of staying home, daddy stuffed mommy in his suitcase for the flight.


"Is mommy okay?"

"Of course dear."

"But mommy hasn't talked since you dropped your suitcase taking it out of the trunk."

"Mommy's just resting."

"Okay daddy."

Melissa said...

6!!! She wrote 6!!!
lol I'll have to go read them later...

I played too :)
The highlight of my friday!

Now, off to play in the kitchen and then get sucked back into the world of fixing blog templates (stupid f'ng things!!)

S said...

rotf BT!

Unknown said...

I happen to be celebrating 5/5 fiction day also. I like your idea of using a picture as a prompt. I teach high school English, so I think I'll steal your idea.
Brian B.

Minka said...

Yeah, I like dit too. Unfourtunately I just got back from a 14 hour shift and composition is not gonna happen. I´ll just declare one of Logo´s as mine! :)

Gary said...

Tanya rested a bit from her walk across America for the March of Dimes. Only 800 Miles to go, she told herself contentedly.