Thursday, August 21, 2008

55 Flash Fiction Friday

The Special Olympics!
They had been training for this all day. Hours of mental preparation were about to pay off. They were of one single mind, purpose, goal. In an explosive fury, they hurtled toward their destination. Only one would get the prize.
Edging out her opponents with an expert elbow jab, the bubblebath would be hers tonight!
This is one of my all time favorite books from when LR was little! With one bathroom, I can certainly relate to this poor mama elephant who just wants five minutes peace!

Have a lovely weekend!


Akelamalu said...

I just love the 'expert elbow jab'!

Great job. :)

Mona said...

LOL! Susie, you are unpredictable! I love you! :D :D

'Special Olympics' For sure :D

G-Man said...

Awww Susie-Cue....
In my book you will always be the Queen of 55's.
Great job, and please try and have SOME relaxation this week-end OK?

Photocat said...

Aaaaahhhh kids...bath...oh wait I have 4 kids (my sis's kids too) for two weeks until school starts and J gets her license Sat at 8 am so will want the car at 9....I'm dreaming of a White Christmas...and making it there...

Polt said...

expert elbow being the pervert that I am, when I read it quickly I thought it said something else...something very un-Susie-like. :)

Good story!


Mojo said...

All those nights in the mosh pit finally paid off. Nice one Susieji (you tease).
My newest installment is submitted for your approval.
Have a great weekend!
- Mojo

barman said...

Ah, see I read it a different way. The soaking in the tub, although a pleasant thought, does not hold the same meaning. I had in mind when you as a family first walk into the house, there is only one bathroom, and everyone has to go. Elbows would so be called for.

But I will let you have your wonderful bubble bath. Try not to prune up. Have a great weekend.

lime said...

lol, not what immediately sprang to mind when i thought of special olympics but a great giggle payoff at the end. enjoy that tub,girl!

smarmoofus said...

Akelamalu is right... that "expert elbow jab" is a touch of brilliance. A fun 55, Susie. It's good to see you writing them again.
