I cannot relate to sox and doormats...so today instead of SPF, i'm posting something very, very sweet and special. These little dolls are made of polymer clay by artist Camille Allen, not of marzipan as rumor has it! They have become so popular that there is a huge waiting list to purchase one. I just thought you might like to see them. They are precious!
Happy Friday everyone!
Yeah, almost creepy. Cute though.
Happy Friday to you too! :)
those are pretty darn cute.
that egg thing freaked me out...i was like..is that a preemie?
wtf...!!! lol...ever seen Ron Mueck's stuff...???
wow, they are really beautiful and lifelike.
I seen those before. They are a little creepy because they look so real.
OMG... how freaky. Umm...scary scary...
(...runs away and hides in closet, sucking thumb...)
That would take alot of time and effort if they were hand made. Props to the person who can give that much time to do such detailed work.
I Knew that some babies hatched, and your first pic has finally provided me with the proof i need. Mrs Idiot will finally lose a bet now!
Love them. My little Mama collected dolls. She had way over 200 when she died. She would have gotten one of these I'm sure.
word verifier: rngrat: Rug Rat
So adorable!!
wow, I got this email saying it was Marzipan. Wild, aren't they?
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