Beware Of All Endeavors That Require New Clothes - -

Henry David Thoreau

I am a very casual dresser. People know that about me. I don't shop at the mall. I like old jeans, indian kurtas, tie dyes, overalls, sarees and hippie girl skirts. I bathe every day and don't smell funny!
So, we are invited to a birthday party for a friend that is turning 50. It's a fancy party. Now obviously, I am not going to that party in ripped up jeans and a tie dye, I am NOT a moron!
Yesterday, as I was picking up Little Rita from school, the birthday girl, who is a teacher at that school, walks by. She said "hi, how are you, what have you been up to?, etc, etc" I returned greetings. Then I notice her eyes making a complete body scan of Susie's army pants, orange t-shirt, red flannel and turquoise socks. Body Scan completed AND THEN, she
says to me, "You'd better dress up for my party, because it's gonna be glitzy." GLITZY!!!
After I picked my jaw up off of the ground, I composed myself and smiled back. Mind you, I have known this woman for 11 years, in fact, I was her teachers aide for two years. Never once did I show up for school in ripped jeans, tie dyes, overalls or a saree. Ok well, I have worn hippie skirts and Indian kurtas to work!
But, did she really think I was going to come to her GLITZY party in my hippie attire? Oh man, that really just pissed me off that she would think that about me. So, being that i'm a bit pissed, I'm considering not going to her party, and withholding her two, handmade by me, imported silk dupioni pillows, which will, no doubt, be the crowning gift of her party since I am so damn talented and really do have excellent taste, despite my tendency to dress like a hobo.
Well, after about two hours playing fashion show with Mr Ratburn and Little Rita, I have 6 options. Of course, I also ran this issue by my sister, who told me I will NOT dare wear a saree to this party OR a dress with pants underneath, even if they are silk, and I WILL "post photos of my choices on this blog so she can decide for me" HAH!
Another blogger friend of ours also heard my social/fashion moans and groans, and has assured me that I will look just fine in either saree, salwar, or really special handmade indian block print column "gown" (Ok, long spaghetti strap dress) Ok, even if she has to have her sister dress her, I am trusting her opinion.
So, if you've made it through this rant, you will understand the posted photos and quote, above. Now, I have to go jump into my overalls and tie dye and get to work! Thanks for listening!
but if we followed that advice, your seamstress work might suffer, no?
heheh, cute post
woodstock anyone?
Limes....well, no...I would still be here to patch up your old jeans and sew your daughter some skirts with twirl factor!
Plus, someones gotta make the Patrick and giant vegetable costumes! (Those are not clothes!)
You forgot the fabric of the gods...Long Live Lycra Shorts!
go dressed as Lance Armstrong
Wear a saree - they are beautiful!! And a bindi - don't forget the bindi - they can be very glitzy!!
Word veri agrees - wwuwwu!!!
glitzy ? and thats a f---ing word ? where is a burlap sack when you need one ...
Ok that does it, I'm going in lycra bike shorts AND a burlap sack. If the guys like it, it has to be good!
And yes Blither, it WAS pretty rude....why do people always need you to look like them?
oh my...seriously, who actually uses the word GLITZY?! Saris and Bindis can be very 'glitzy' and glamorous. How about throw her for a loop and wear a kimono? and when she comes up to you throw that fan out in front of here face!
F*ck people who judge by clothes.
I agree with Masha, get the fanciest kimono you can find. It's 'glitzy' in some cultures! hahaha
She probably was to excited about her show off party that she didn't even notice that she was offending you at all. It definatly wasn't nice what she did but it still doesn't mean she had to do the head to toe look and make you feel that way.
I am liking the nekkid thing
*snicker snicker*
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